
Extraction arms for a New Laboratory

For laboratories in the test and development department of Hempel, Zystm A/S has supplied and installed laboratory furniture. As a leading manufacturer of environmentally friendly paint products for the marine, industrial, house painting, container, and yacht segments, Hempel stands at the forefront of innovation and sustainability in the industry.


Zystm A/S was carefully selected for this important project, partly due to their expertise and high quality. JRV A/S contributed to this project by supplying several flexible, ceiling-mounted extraction arms to Zystm. These extraction arms are crucial for ensuring a safe and healthy work environment, which is essential for enhancing both employee well-being and precision in laboratory work.

Contact us for information about the project

Josefine Kristine Leonhardt

Josefine Kristine Leonhardt

Head of Department, Sales and Marketing
Tel.: +45 43 950 962
E-mail: jl@jrv.dk

  • Description:

    Extraction arms for Hempel

  • JRV A/S' part of the project:

    Delivery of Extraction arms to Zystm A/S


Check out one of our other projects

Extraction arms for New Laboratory Facilities